Alchemy Of Souls Quiz – Which Alchemy Of Souls Character Are You?

Which Alchemy Of Souls Character Are You Quiz

In the state of Daeho, who are you? Get yourself known with the best Alchemy Of Souls Quiz. It’d unveil which Alchemy of Souls character are you.


We have a list of dramas in 2022 that are linked to the genres of romance, law, comedy, etc. However, the punch of history has hit viewers again. Alchemy of Souls takes us into the era when there was no technology and zero development. Nonetheless, the main characters Jang Uk, Mu Deok, Go Won, and Seo Yul live in Daeho. This country is notorious for the people who use magic in it. If we try to locate Daeho on the map then there won’t be any country of this name. Reason? Remember, most of the people who live there know magic! So, they don’t let muggles know about Daeho.

Alchemy Of Souls Quiz

Alchemy Of Souls - Netflix

Jang Uk is a nobleman and belongs to the family Songrim. Everyone in the country knows him and his lineage well. However, there is one thing everyone is unaware of. Jang Uk carries a secret since birth and up till now, no one has any idea about it. However, Jang believes that if it gets uncovered then the whole country would face serious consequences. In order to mold this nobleman for the future, his family puts a lot of pressure on him. Jang has no idea how to meet the challenges but his servant Mu-Deok can surely be of help. She might be a petite female servant to Jang, but in reality, things are very different. Mu-Deok was not always in the same body, in fact, she was a brutal assassin named Nak Su. Let us explain. After a betrayal, Nak Su was attacked and in a miserable condition. She was about to pass out when she finds the body of Mu-Deok. In order to avenge her death, Nak Su transfers her soul into Mu Deok’s body.

As an underrated servant, Mu Deok wants to rise in rank. For this, she offers Jang to learn combating from her. Of course, Jang accepts it. However, he never anticipated that a thin and weak girl like her could be this dominating and strict in nature. You never inquired what does Mu Deok wants in return. She knows that Jang can cast the spell of “Alchemy of Souls” with which she would ultimately be able to swap her soul. Because of being in a weak body, Mu Deok cannot even cast magic.

Now, let’s talk about the politics of Alchemy of Souls Kdrama as most of the show revolves around it. The villainous house of Cheonbugwan has Jin-Mu as its leader. Jinyowon is led by Ho-Gyeong but the reigns are mostly in the control of Jin Mu. Nonetheless, the supreme power of the state belongs to the Royal Family. Nobody can deny their influence as well. The Royal Family goes as per the order of King Go Soon. Neither the King nor his Queen are just rulers. In this, chaos the heir to the throne Go Won finds himself strangled. So, he trusts his friends Jang-Uk, Mu-Deok, Dang-Gu, and Seo-Yul more. Watch to know how do things continue!

By the way, have you watched the Kdrama Tomorrow? If yes, then check which Tomorrow character are you with the viral Tomorrow Personality Quiz.


Which Alchemy Of Souls Character Are You

Alchemy Of Souls Characters - Netflix

Mu Deok Yi

Mu Deok Yi is a servant to Jang while for the state she is a saleswoman. Now, she teaches different ways of attack and defense to Jang. Of course, a saleswoman and servant wouldn’t know all this. In reality, Mu Deok is the murdered assassin Nak Su. Or we should say, Nak Su’s soul resides in the body of Mu Deok. This woman has such powerful magic in her that you can’t imagine, but her frail body doesn’t allow her to use it.

If we talk about you, like Mu Deok, you are helping and a capable strategist. You believe in the formula of "Plan and Act."

Mu Deok Yi

Mu Deok Yi - Alchemy Of Souls

Jang Uk

Although Jang Uk is from a family that is considered the mightiest mages, Jang cannot conjure magic. Everybody in the country talks about his mysterious birth. It’s more like a stamp on Jang’s character and honor. In order to wash it off, he needs the help of Mu. After all, he doesn’t have any option. Apart from that, Jang is such a nice person. He never reciprocates hatred, instead is kind to all.

You, similar to Jang are someone who is optimistic in all conditions. Your life isn’t easy but the hardships are never evident on your face.

Jang Uk

Jang Uk - Alchemy Of Souls

Seo Yul

If you want to sight a perfect human then Seo Yul can be a great pick. Not only does he, as a male has ideal looks but even in terms of knowledge he is a master. Seo Yul’s love for literature and the girl he likes is known to all. However, no one has been into depth. Seo Yul himself stays away from cruel politics.

You are a picture of perfection! But, no one knows what lies in your heart and soul. Your introverted nature helps you keep all things secret.

Seo Yul

Seo Yul - Alchemy Of Souls

Go Won

You are curious about which Alchemy of Souls character are you most like! You are Go Won. Short-tempered, caring, and curious like him. As a crown prince, Go Won knows his responsibilities. He goes against his own royal family in order to do what is right. Although Go Won has many threats, but still, he won’t step back. He doesn’t count his life important if others have to suffer for it.

Go Won

Go Won - Alchemy Of Souls


A romance geek like you shouldn’t be alone. There is no life without love so you better know which Alchemy of Souls character would date you. Just take a round of Alchemy of Souls Date Quiz.


No more wait! Take the most trusted and 99.99% accurate Alchemy of Souls Personality Quiz. There would not be a better chance than this one, trust us.

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