The God Of High School Quiz – Which Webtoon Character Are You?

Which The God Of High School Character Are You Quiz

Let “The God of High School Quiz” take over! Only this quiz would reveal which The God of High School character are you with 100% accuracy.


"The God of High School" (GOH) is an epic adventure in! The main character in the story is Mori Jin, a 17-year-old high schooler who's a Taekwondo pro from Seoul, South Korea. But this isn't your average high school story. It's set in a world where there are not one, not two, but three realms: the Human Realm, the Sage Realm (Demon Realm/Taoist World), and the almighty Heavenly Realm. Way back in the day, humans, demons, and gods all were on Earth. But things got messy when demons started causing trouble. To keep us safe, the gods gave humans something called "Borrowed Power" which is basically divine energy. It turned out to be a game-changer! They used it to fend off the pesky demons. But once the demons were defeated, the gods split everyone up into their own realms. But something was altered: humans couldn't use Borrowed Power against the gods anymore.

The God Of High School Quiz

The God Of High School - MAPPA

This was the story of the past and now, our hero, Mori Jin, gets a golden ticket. It’s an invitation to the "The God of High School" tournament organized by a super secretive corporation. It draws high school students from all over South Korea with a promise: the winner gets ANYTHING they wish for, no questions asked. It's a big deal, and Mori Jin jumps right into the ring! As Mori Jin battles his way through the tournament, he meets a bunch of other fighters, each with their own mind-blowing fighting styles and abilities fueled by Borrowed Power. Two stand out: Daewi Han, a Karate champ, and Mira Yoo, a fencing master. Their friendships are forged through fierce battles, and together, they become the Korean Team, representing their nation in the competition.

But things aren't that facile! As the tournament's early rounds wrap up, different groups and fighters start making their moves. They've got their own plans and ambitions, and it's not just about winning. What seems like a straightforward martial arts tournament quickly turns into a mind-bending maze of secrets. The plot unfolds into something beyond Mori Jin's wildest dreams. The stakes skyrocket, and alliances are put to the test. The big question is: What is Mori Jin willing to give up to become "The God of High School"? And in a world where borrowed powers, gods, and demons clash, what kind of chaos awaits?


With three unique realms and a diverse cast of characters, "The God of High School" is a rollercoaster of martial arts, supernatural forces, and the quest for ultimate power. You can expect jaw-dropping battles, complex characters, and a thrilling exploration of what happens when humanity, gods, and demons collide. With each round of the tournament, Mori Jin and his crew inch closer to their destinies, uncovering the mysteries at the heart of this extraordinary martial arts saga. You’d definitely like it so buckle up; it's going to be a wild ride!


Which Webtoon Character Are You

The God Of High School Characters - MAPPA

Jin Mori

Your charismatic personality attracts people, much like Jin Mori's does. Your unique perspective on life and one-of-a-kind sense of humor make events unexpected. And, you naturally excel at motivating those around you, much like Jin Mori does in his leadership capacity. You are good at uniting individuals behind a shared objective and providing an excellent example for others to follow.

Jin Mori and you both have the same kind of adventurous, receptive spirits. You enjoy taking on new challenges and venturing into unfamiliar territory, whether engaging in daring explorations or novel concepts.

Jin Mori

Jin Mori - The God Of High School


Similar to Satan's interest in Jin Mori and his love for battles, you're naturally curious and love learning new things. You're always eager to explore new ideas and experiences. Your curiosity keeps life interesting and exciting. We can see that you've got incredible concentration and resilience. When you decide to do something, you stick with it no matter what and push through tough times with unwavering determination.

Well, you have loads of confidence and aren't scared to take risks. You're not afraid to step out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals. You carefully analyze situations, consider different options, and make well-thought-out decisions.


Satan - The God Of High School

What is your idea? Which Tower of God character are you? The 2023 updated “Tower Of God Quiz” is here to tell you your place in this manhwa.

Han Daewi

Just like Dae-Wi's never-give-up spirit, you're determined and nothing can stand in your way. You've got a confidence that's pretty awesome, just like Dae-Wi. Even when things get tough, your self-assured attitude makes you worthy. You dive deep into what you care about, and your dedication is clear to everyone around you.

Just like how Dae-Wi earns respect from others, people admire and respect you for your unending commitment and strong character. You leave a lasting impression on those who know you. But, you can do some idiotic things too just like Han Daewi. Remember how Dae-Wi can do crazy things like tossing a planet?

Han Daewi

Han Daewi - The God Of High School

Yoo Mira

Like Mira, you might not always show all your talents right away. But when people get to know you better, they see how strong and capable you really are. Well, we truly admire this idea! Mira changes and improves over time, and so do you. You're not afraid of growing and getting better, both inside and out. You stick with your goals no matter what, just like Mira does!

We have to say, you do not have superpowers, but you have some pretty amazing qualities. This makes you resilient and able to handle all sorts of challenges.

Yoo Mira

Yoo Mira - The God Of High School


The God Of High School Quiz is here to take you into a world that has never been ventured before. Step into it with The God Of High School Quiz to find your place and reveal which The God Of High School character are you most like.

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